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Welcome to my official Blog
Mayor of Halifax - Mike Savage

Monday, 13 April 2015

Time for a creative solution

The provincial budget of 2015 was projected to be tough, and it was. People lost jobs, departmental spending is set to be well below inflation, and an entire department was eliminated. These are tough measures, and I think it is a time for tough measures. The government did, however, also make some important new investments that show they are sensitive to the needs of people who are facing significant challenges. All governments at all levels are facing financial and productivity challenges, and failing to respond to those realities – as painful as they might be - can hurt more people in the long term.

And then there is the restructuring of the Film Tax Credit (FTC).  The changes that have been made are quite dramatic and will have a disproportionate impact on film production in the Halifax region. Since the introduction of the FTC in the 1990's the industry has grown significantly, and benefits our Province in a number of ways. It leads to jobs in the industry, and has deeper impacts in supporting other industries and entrepreneurs across the community. I have been on sets locally and seen how many local companies benefit from the film and animation projects.

The financial impact of restructuring the FTC depends on who you ask, but people in the industry and other observers are more than worried about the net result. So am I.

I am reticent to challenge the decisions of other governments as they grapple with tough action. I know from my own political experience, and particularly that of my father who governed in challenging times, that there isn't an easy route out of deficit and debt. And I know that most people are inclined to urge restraint and serious action to reduce government spending, until it has an impact on them or their projects. I also know that Premier McNeil and Minister Whalen are good people who are focussed on doing the right things, even when they are not popular, and they are on the right track. But I think this plan needs to be adjusted.

I am pleased that Minister Whalen is meeting with representatives of the film industry, and I urge reconsideration of the dramatic changes to the film tax credit.


  1. Thank you, Mike, for this considered and supportive statement. Your dad, who I had the pleasure of knowing and supporting back in the 1990s, would be proud.
    Paul Kimball

  2. This is a wise comment in a very stormy situation, It is comforting.

  3. Thank you for continuing to urge the reconsideration of the Film tax credit. It is so unbelievably appreciated. My brother has been in this industry his whole life and it hasn't been easy. He has fought and clawed for the success he has had tooth and nail, let me tell you. Please don't make it all for not, especially for the others in this difficult industry. Lives are seriously at stake here. Whatever you can do will be profoundly appreciated!!

  4. Thank you for weighing in with these comments.

  5. Well stated Mr Mayor. Salient, well thought out and an important statement from you. As I stated in an open letter to The Minister and the Premier the other day, the subsidiary spends associated with the film industry in NS were completely overlooked by the government - they only considered the direct costs associated with the FTC

  6. Thanks Mayor Savage.

  7. Well said, and your Dad would be appalled to see Liberals acting without consultation!

  8. Well said Mayor Savage. Very pleased to see that you can see the entire picture, and I hope to see some "big screen" vision on the part of our provincial government.

  9. Good job and tks for speaking out Mayor Savage .. i don't work in film but these talented folks and this industry sure need help at this time ... surely something manageable can be worked out ........

  10. Good job and tks for speaking out Mayor Savage .. i don't work in film but these talented folks and this industry sure need help at this time ... surely something manageable can be worked out ........

  11. As a member of the theatre community I applaud your voice----this industry is a corner stone to all the arts communities and it will be hugely damaging if it disappears.
