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Welcome to my official Blog
Mayor of Halifax - Mike Savage

Wednesday, 22 May 2013

Let's get this out in the open

OPEN is good…..

One of the words I used a lot in the campaign for Mayor was ‘open,’  and I wasn’t alone.

I think that the concept of opening up government, opening up Halifax is one that strikes a chord with a lot of us. It seems there was a sense that things have been somewhat closed in recent years. So as I reflect on my first half year as Mayor working with my Council team, I am encouraged that I see a fair bit of openness in our daily business.

While there will always be a need for some of the work of government to be done away from the lights, we have had very few issues discussed at Council ‘in camera.’ Supported by Council, we have put stringent criteria on these types of issues. Even most business that is marked as ‘in camera’ on the Agenda of Council is actually done in public.

Some of these are very minor, quick issues but some are more potentially contentious. Here is the thing…..democracy doesn’t have to be neat and tidy. In fact, disagreement and discussion fuels the democratic process. The key to successful democratic governance is to have vigorous debate, but in a respectful manner. And I believe that our Council has shown that we can disagree, even on emotional issues like budgets, solid waste etc. and not descend into overtly personal and petty political theatrics. I am proud of that.

I am also delighted that we have taken significant steps in opening up our data to our citizens. We launched Open Data (you can the link on my webpage at http://www.halifax.ca/mayor/ )  last month. We have plans to open much more information and in a variety of ways over the coming months. I have found senior staff in the City very open to the reality that information needs to be widely shared with citizens. Indeed, our default position should be to open up info, not close the door. This is what progressive governments and cities do as a matter of course.

The open concept is widespread in our city. On May 11 many of us took part in OpenCity, an initiative of the I Love Local movement (http://www.ilovelocalhfx.ca/v1/) during which businesses and organizations welcomed people in to have a look, pick up some bargains and see the vibrancy of our local community. I am excited to be honorary chair of Doors Open Halfax (http://doorsopenhalifax.com/) , when many of our historic and important buildings  will invite people in to have a look around. I am proud that HRM participates in both of these initiatives, and I encourage you to come to City Hall as part of Doors Open Halifax. Even better, come on your bike as Doors Open coincides with Bike Week (http://www.halifax.ca/bikeweek/) in Halifax.

We can open up your government in lots of ways….pre-budget deliberations are one avenue that we will consider, and I am pleased to be posting as much of my own Mayoral schedule as possible on my webpage  (http://www.halifax.ca/mayor/ ) . Clearly, we can do more, and I am confident that we will.

Nobody campaigns on the theme of closed government, and with good reason. In a democracy, the workings of our government belong to the citizenry and we strengthen our government when we open it up. Yes, we have much to do, but it will be an exciting journey. It already is…  

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